Corporate Sustainable
Sustainable Living Begins With Choice of "Green Tissue Paper"
Beginning with promoting the use of FSC100% natural, healthy, unbleached bamboo paper, and eco-friendly products, we aim to lead the way in inspiring more people to adopt a greener lifestyle through small acts of sustainable living. By providing quality greener alternatives, we can work together to restore our ecosystem for future generations.
Our Green Partners
Join our green partners and contribute to protecting the environment, forests and the Earth's ecology.
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Eaton Club x PureBamboo
Exclusive Offer For Eaton Club Member &
Tenant of Three Garden Road
An Exclusive Green Office Kit or Corporate Bulk Order is available for Eaton Club Members and tenants of Three Garden Road. It features PureBamboo FSC100% & FDA natural bamboo tissue paper, an air-purifying bamboo charcoal set, and a recycling bag.
We encourage like-minded corporations and individuals to join us in our efforts towards a more eco-friendly future through our SDG12-focused sustainable corporate procurement.
*45% Off Promo Code For Member: EatonClub2024
PureBamboo reserves the right of final decision on the eligibility of any customer for the relevant offer(s).